bomb - organic visual music Scott Draves ( see the file COPYING for the license covering this software. $Id: README.txt,v 2002/12/08 20:49:37 spotspot Exp $ This is release 1.30 for Windows using the DirectDraw and DirectSound interfaces. It requires DirectX8, currently downloadable from: Bomb runs on many other platforms, see the web page for downloads. The file manual.txt documents how to run and use Bomb. When Bomb is running, use the '?' key or F1 to bring up the manual on-screen. ___ You are encouraged to exhibit the output of this software publicly. I also encourage you to let me know how you use it, what you like about it, and how it can be improved. ___ !! If you are compiling the source, you must set DATA_DIR in defs.h !! The source code is available from the web page under the GPL - the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. chunks of code and various rules have been taken from or contributed by various sources (i'm always looking for more stuff, so email if you have something that you think fits). sources include: originally derived from vga_eyecandy Tom Lawrence idea for rotor Nick Thompson wisps, waves, fade2cmap, many suck/*.gif Eric Nyberg gifs Jim Frost xli header file (copyright below) Kirk L. Johnson gif code (copyright below) Torben Mogensen idea for symmetric life Andrew Willmott lots of help for all sorts of mac things mac sound code originally from cthugha Peter Broadwell showed me coupled quadratic maps Jamie Zawinski bits of X code (copyright below) David Zicarelli bug fix and max version Martin C. Martin bug found in tiff reading, ported to BeOS Caolan McNamara added root window display Sebastian Kuzminsky bug found when flame data missing Andreas Stolcke vroot.h (copyright below) Jeremy Braun ESD support thanks to nix for many interesting discussions and don for inspiration. thanks to toffoli and margolus for their excellent book _cellular automata machines_ (isbn 0-262-20060-0, or see thanks to the graphics lab at CMU SCS for the use of their fine hardware, and the Transmeta Corporation for their indulgence. ----------------------- release 1.30, as of 6/8/2003 support any combination of (32 and 24 bits) vs (320x200 and 640x480). release 1.29, as of 12/8/2002 put into cvs, made DATA_DIR relative for development, added rcs Ids to all the files. release 1.28, as of 11/4/2001 added filter to sound level that removes DC component of the signal. If graphics card does not support 320x200, then failover into 640x480 with lower performance. release 1.27, as of Fri Oct 19 2001 ported to win2k. release 1.26, as of Mon Apr 17 2000 automatically failover from ESD to nosound. add quicktime output (on control-v). release 1.25, as of ? cleaned warnings out of code. add -nosound option. added -randomstart option. make errors in /dev/dsp initialization be nonfatal. support ESD (enlightenment sound daemon, from Jeremy Braun support Gnome screensaver control center. release 1.24, as of Thu Jul 8 1999 made work on redhat 6 (put -lvga before -lX11, convert all images to gif). some cleanup. made RPM files. release 1.23, as of Wed Mar 24 1999 fix pixmap leak, add histograms (display ifdefed out), change splash page, add usage message. release 1.22, as of Wed Nov 18 1998 fix from caolan to work with virtual root windows (aka xscreensaver). add -quiet option for same purpose. moved rule_mask control from envar to command-line argument. release 1.21, as of Tue Nov 17 1998 merged root window code from caolan, added rule_mask control, fixed bug reported by sebastian. doesn't work in root window in 8 bits. removed guile version from standard dist. added vroot.h, but still doesn't work with xscreensaver. release 1.20, as of Mon Sep 28 1998 fixed bug found by Martin C. Martin in tiff reading code. rebuilt gbomb. update doc. release 1.19, as of Sep 24, 1998 use a buffer with svgalib, since framebuffer ram is on the PCI bus and is very slow (this fixes slip mode 'k'). use a better algorithm to keep a constant frame rate. handle X key events for shifted digits and other symbols (ie the question mark). help file works in xws_bomb. stabilize_fps now defaults to true at 80fps. moved version into makefile, redid dist and install targets. the default is now to find it's files in /usr/lib/bomb instead of ".". release 1.18, as of Mar 8, 1998 fixed X code, works in 8, 16, and 32 bpp. integrated svga and X versions into same executable. added new variant of the rug rule (on 'a') which makes circular impressions. fixed mod by zero bug in image_to_heat (found by David Zicarelli). release 1.17, as of Jan 15, 1998 smoothed use of rhythm in dancing flames. changed license. added guile. sorted contents of suck-dir. began to add 16/32 bpp X, but not finished. xbomb from prev release included instead. release 1.16, as of July 22, 1997 added fastflip (on ^E) and auto-cooling to fuse mode. added splatter-blitting to fuse mode. moved right mirror of quad mode over by one pixel to eliminate double middle pixel. removed climbing drift-mode from fuse mode. fixed OBO in match.c. made cmap_plain more likely. adjusted self play for fuse mode. '?' displays manual.txt in vga/linux version. included X windows version. release 1.15, as of Thu Jun 26 1997 added quad mode. in rotor, made quickly rotating flame change slowly in addition to rotating quickly. in rotor, made pen size depend on sound power. in linux version, made cheaper small random number routine. added brain=0 to 'V'. added creeping edges to spiral slip mode. release 1.14, as of Apr 25 1997 autoplay doesn't fill the screen when in rd mode. in initial parameters, enable audio input by default (if present). also, made use of audio more likely if present (~3/4 instead of 1/3). added schwa and yugung to suck; removed centipedes. adjusted rd2 to only throw away low 7 bits instead of 8. John E. Pearson reports that the equations for the original RD are from his paper "Complex Patterns in a Simple System" Science, 261,189, 9 July 1993. added sound to linux version. added santafe, acoma, and chilkat to suck. changed rd2 to use 15 bits, so now it basically works, but ther is still a problem. release 1.13, as of Dec 6, 1996 added MPEG output with code from the MPEG Software Simulation Group ( (SGI version only). preliminary release for win32 API. second win32 release 10/5. third win32 release 10/21---included are bomb.exe and the screen-saver bomb.scr. fourth win32 release 11/21---direct draw version. still no sound input. removed screen saver. added new mode: RD2. release 12/1 sound input mostly working. added image-driven masking to static. 12/5 sound input apparently working. added about five more eskimo masks and two islamic patterns. adjusts speed of drifting and controls according to frame rate. only released on win32 and mac. release 1.12, as of Sep 18, 1996 added several new suck/*, especially masks. added sound input to SGI and Mac (mac code from cthugha), hooked up to diffusion-speed and flame-drift. it can't yet tell if the device is present but no music is playing, so it doesn't always use the sound input on the diffusion-speed, since it is also good without it. use 'n' to toggle this. added triangular tilings for RD textures. blocks on title page waiting for keystroke. implemented mac version of fname2fnum to fix 'Z'. (released on mac only) release 1.11, as of May 6 1996 location of data files now a variable in makefile as requested by 'm' in image rule like 'b' but follows image sequence. in Makefile, added tiff.h tiffio.h, and dependencies to DIST, made linux version link statically. autorule fixed (was starting at 3 not 4), fiddled with auto_mode basically to make rule_rd work better. changed how rhythm is used by the flame/rotor. mac version in cludes `big bomb' which runs at 640x400. release 1.10, as of Mar 25 1996 added cmap_path, added rule_rd to preferred list. added rotating spiral to rd and slip. added new image2grad, used in rd and slip.. fill_board in slip works. adjusted hist to ignore edges of screen, so it detects empty slip board from expansion. fixed board doubling. added pixel replication on the mac, but it's much too slow, and the cmaps are broken. added v simple mouse input on mac. release 1.9, as of Mar 10 1996 handles tiff images via libtiff, converted suck/* and title* to tiff. it only accepts tiff images in IBM-PC order (i think this is a fault of TIFFReadRGBAImage). libtiff is the work of Sam Leffler ( and can be found at various new diffusion patterns for RD textures, including prototype gradient mode. properly refresh screen on exit on mac. release 1.8, as of Feb 7 1996 parameterized RD to various diffusion patterns, including driving by image. RD dithers between kernels to allow any angle (eigenvectors) (try `dP6 RET |1 RET Sx'), but 1) even/odd zones due to rotated kernel 2) eigenvalues sometimes wrong because we don't mix in circular component. fixed waves (wasn't initializing because before it wasn't static so it was sharing values with shade). added color, shape, and mood organs. defined a-n on the mood organ. (on the mac: fixed colors (had exchanged blue and green channels). fixed keyboard handling (use GetOSEvent), added handling of command-q. moved suck files into subdirectory. hides cursor. R is 32 bits not just 16.) release 1.7, as of Jan 30 1996 added reaction diffusion textures, as per lots more to do with these. moved RD to 'd', various updates to manual.txt. release 1.6, as of Jan 25 1996 merged in version from laptop (exchanged rotor shapes `rectangular' and `vertical'. added 'H' (horizontal) and 'J' (vertical) double heat buffer (though i think they're broken), added to auto_mode.) mac version flushes events before it exits. if not in emacs, then use CR to keep ticks on one line. added delay with feedback control to keep frames per second near 15. moved cmap pulse code into procedures. release 1.5, as of Jan 15 1996 improved Mac port: it basically works, though the keyboard handling is a mess. it's based on polling so a quick key press-release is missed. i'm not sure how to get events without handing over control to other threads. the mac version can only load ppm files, and for some reason i can't load files in a subdirectory. various bug fixes. added a bunch of new colormaps from paintings. added image2cmap.c, which computes the colormaps. release 1.4, as of Jan 10 1996 flipped OpenGL version right-side-up, boosted pixel replication to 3x3. note that some implementations of OpenGL perform terribly on pixel replication (eg a GU1-Extreme); in this situation try setting pix_rep to 1. added flush to title screen display, added mac port, replaced missing title.gif file. release 1.3, as of Dec 22 1995 added ports to X windows and OpenGL (i was hoping it would be faster, but instead it's slower. still upside down anyway). fixed bug in slip (it was writing off the edge of the fb). until my laptop recovers a bunch of other changes are lost on its disk. in the meantime i reimplemented 'S' which toggles smooth/plain cmaps, cuz i like it so much. release 1.2, as of added manual.txt. sometimes screen activity stops but still accepts key input, has the rule gone bad???. reduced chance of using image_to_heat() in slip automode by 10x. added symmetric life from torben, added fredkin rule and special filling for it (controlled by brain parameter 'v'). these still need some work. adjusted edge conditions for all the acidlife rules. doesn't overwrite files in dribble directory (write_fb_ppm). displays any titleN.gif files (N = 0,1,2,...) on startup with keypress to go to next. added pop_back to automode. added 'D' permute colormap by bits, and incorporated into automode. added angular slugs (shade.c). added ticking and fps (frames per second) printout. release 1.1, as of Aug 14 1995 adjusted how overdrive and rule_lock work in automode. ' ' disables auto_mode. added 'B' fade to black. added quick startup option. adjusted bsize for the rotor (reduced the high end). fixed clearing buffers with driving image. release 1.0, as of Jul 14 1995 auto_rule makes sure it starts out well. on transition to rule_rug_image, clear the buffers with the driving image, too often we have noise, which looks bad. release 0.20, as of Jul 12 1995 fixed bad scanline bug in multi_rug. redid many of the kbd controls so that shift and control are not needed for common controls, more context sensitive keys in general. zxcvbn cause events, asdfghjkl;' switch modes, qwertyuiop[]| pick a parameter to vary, ,.1234567890 and return vary the parameter. if you repeated hit a parameter key, it varies that parameter. added lissajous and oscilloscope-oid to rotor, added pens to rotor (draws bsize rects instead of just dots), added image sequences, rearranged all sorts of image controls, wrote some sequences. wrote manual.txt, explaining the ui. fixed bug in initial parameters (wasn't setting speed_base). release 0.19, as of Jun 18 1995 added more images, cropped and tuned existing images. tracks variance of pixels in fb, if it's too low, then randomized the fb. improved next_contrasting_color, seems ok now. in auto-mode, reduced chance of filling. uses a checkerboard if no images are found in the suck dir. in rotorug, drift-mode is more likely to be chosen. added mode-lock on 'L'. added rug_multi mode. more images in the suck dir. added title page (need a better one though). fixed %0 bug in image_random_tile(). added optional underflow to shade mode. removed night-blue-sky and mauve-splat cmaps (too often result in near-blackness). split off fast.c from bomb.c, and disabled optimization of bomb.c. added blitting image tiles into the heat on '^I' and into the game board on '^U', '^Y' cycles auto-blit rate. added speed beat (rate on '}', size on '{'). reads cmaps at runtime. wrote image2cmap. fixed uninitialized driver plane bug. release 0.18, as of May 25 1995 quick-flip auto-mode, redid interpretation of driving function in brain mode to include asymmetric diffusion kernels, added fuse mode (still needs work), fixed bug in writing ppm files. when leaving modes that operate directly on the fb (eg slip, fuse), pixel values are interpreted as heat. bsize made variable. release 0.17, as of Apr 25 1995 removed contents of dribble directory. added more auto-mode features. added rhythmic flames. release 0.16, as of Apr 21 1995 added 'C' (invert driver) '^B' (load random image) 'Z' (combined zx and ^B), all basically for rug_image mode. included a bunch of images. added 'X' = zcm for flame/rotor. enabled `bent' flame variation (?). reads gif files (code taken from xli, see copyright notices below). '=' writes current screen into dribble directory. brain chooses random shift bits, and includes PHASE_ZAP code to prevent strobing (somewhat effective). 'P' modifies these shift bits, should build a different sub_brain_table for different shift bits. added 'E', 'W', 'R' colormap pulsers. added 'T' colormap brightener. added 'Q' which enters auto-mode immediately (instead of waiting for the time delay), made auto-mode fancier. added some variations to slip. '^Q' speeds up auto-mode. added many gif files to suck directory. release 0.15, as of Feb 16 1995 put drift_mode into distrib now that flame is fixed. removed mode_life since it was never implemented and was causing a bug. added terrible hacks so that random mode can get display images. smoothed over transitions. loading of files less hacked, holds 5 of them in memory for fast access, 'B' rotates through them. code really getting cruddy. moved rule_rug_image and support into image_rule.c. included a ppm file in the release. release 0.14, as of Feb 15 1995 'R' pulse_gparam (not quite right, i think), suck.ppm replaced by suck/$(p1).ppm (p1 still under 'o'). new drift modes for flames: rotation, and none (ie the flame stays still). bug fix from (call vga_init()). flames finally fixed by resetting point if it strays outside 1e10. reads library of flames in at startup, 'M' sets to p1. release 0.13, as of Feb 10 1995 'z' no longer resets flame coefs, 'm' does instead. smooth colormap transition (though the whole cmap is reset every frame producing an icky video artifact on my display) from nix. image mode on 'S' (reads from suck.ppm on '/') and wispy waves on 'A' from nix. both of these are still quite rough. release 0.12, as of Feb 7 1995 mostly fixed flames. nice! release 0.11, as of Feb 7 1995 used most of the brain parameters (p key), handles changing symmetry more smoothly, brain remaps heat, new compiler flags, flame option in rotor code (v key) (though still somewhat broken), pulsing (b key). generalized brain some more (see XXY), though still not used. twiddled constants, batched flame movement, added drift controls (\[, - keys). release 0.10, as of Jan 23 1995 memory maps frame buffer (still usually ignores width/height though), renamed the whole thing `bomb'. redid the makefile. release 0.9, as of Jan 19 1995 kbd commands redone, new rules brain (lots of unused parameters here) and shade, broke rules into separate files release 0.8, as of Jan 13 1995 more kbd commands (including simple scripting), bugs fixed release 0.7, as of Jan 10 1995 keyboard input, life/rug variants are mirrored release 0.6, as of Jan 3 1995 ----------------------- the following is for gif.h and gif.c /**** Copyright 1989, 1990 Kirk L. Johnson Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. The author makes no representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ****/ the following is for xli-image.h /* * Copyright 1989, 1993 Jim Frost * * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear * in supporting documentation. The author makes no representations * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * * THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, * INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN * NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS * OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE * OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE * USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ the following is for the code taken from xscreensaver: /* xscreensaver, Copyright (c) 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997 * by Jamie Zawinski * * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting * documentation. No representations are made about the suitability of this * software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or * implied warranty. */ /*****************************************************************************/ /** Copyright 1991 by Andreas Stolcke **/ /** Copyright 1990 by Solbourne Computer Inc. **/ /** Longmont, Colorado **/ /** **/ /** All Rights Reserved **/ /** **/ /** Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and **/ /** its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby **/ /** granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all **/ /** copies and that both that copyright notice and this permis- **/ /** sion notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the **/ /** name of Solbourne not be used in advertising **/ /** in publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without **/ /** specific, written prior permission. **/ /** **/ /** ANDREAS STOLCKE AND SOLBOURNE COMPUTER INC. DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES **/ /** WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF **/ /** MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO EVENT SHALL ANDREAS STOLCKE **/ /** OR SOLBOURNE BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL **/ /** DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA **/ /** OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER **/ /** TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE **/ /** OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. **/ /*****************************************************************************/