old old old, but no home page is complete without... the link parade:
Bookmarks for Scott Draves
- asci : art & science colaborations, inc.
- UCO Universal Companionship
- (Art)^n Laboratory
- Amsterdam Art Town
- Art Crimes
- ART+COM Welcome
- ARTscope: Art, Artists, Galleries
- ArtServe
- Asian Arts
- Bit.Movie
- Brin/The New Meme
- Center for Research in Computing & the Arts - CRCA
- Contours of the Mind
- Contours of the Mind - Exhibition page
- Forum 2000
- FUSE'94
- gopher://gopher.well.sf.ca.us/11/Art
- Hakim Bey
- Kaleidospace
- Netsam
- Putrid Afterthought
- Salvador Dali
- Strange Interactions
- The Arts Deadlines List
- The Bastard Operator from Hell
- The Cyberchromes
- The Temptation of Saint Anthony
- toad cutup
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- WebMuseum
- World Wide Arts Resources
- Zeki Gallery
- CMU calendar
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- Xaos Tools
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- corporate financial info
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- Price Watch Computer Index
- Security APL Quote Server
- StockMaster.com
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- The Universal Currency Converter
- Lester Ingber's Code and Reprint Archive
- Cellular Programming (Moshe Sipper)
- Cybertation index page
- A Philosophy of Artificial Life Bibliography
- Artificial Life Online
- Australian National University Bioinformatics
- BioComp Systems, Inc. Home Page
- Biology of Cognition
- CAM8: a Parallel, Uniform, Scalable Architecture for CA Experimentation
- Capow
- complexity measures
- Computing as Compression
- ECAL'95 Call for Papers
- Evolutionary Design of Neural Architectures
- FAQ Cellular Automata
- Feigenbaum Constants
- Howard Pattee
- Latent Energy Environments
- Leigh Tesfatsion's Alife Syllabus
- Limit Sets of Kleinian Groups
- Macintosh Artificial Life Software
- math and biology
- Mean Field Theory of The Edge of Chaos
- Natural Selection Inc.
- Paul's Page of Conway's Life Miscellany
- Plato's Cave: Outline
- Primer on Molecular Genetics
- pubs on one-over-f (1/f) noise
- SUGAL Genetic Algorithms Library
- The Artificial Life Games Homepage
- The Avida Artificial Life Group
- The Live Alife Page
- Visual Models of Morphogenesis: A Guided Tour
- ICE Home Page
- freetype
- Crystalogic's Windows 95 Tips Page
- Jgraph home page
- Bournemouth University Page of DR Hardware
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- Glimpse
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- Homepage of the IRC Chat client mIRC - Index
- http://chaos.ph.utexas.edu/~lera/tp560.html
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- The Linux Installation HOWTO: Installation In Detail
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- Plan 9
- PowerTV-Redefining TV for the age of interactivity
- Ghostscript, Ghostview and GSview
- SEL-HPC Article Archive
- telecom archives
- The comp.fonts Home Page
- Windows NT Utilities
- XEmacs -- Emacs: The Next Generation
- Stuart Hameroff Web Site
- paleo-psychology
- As We May Think
- Brin/The Good and the Bad
- Bronowski on the Second Law and Evolution
- COSMIC ANCESTRY: Life comes from space because life comes from life. by Brig Klyce
- Graphical Simulation of Filamentous Fungal Growth
- IPCAT Home Page
- Iterated Prisoners Dilemma
- JCMC: computer-mediated communication
- MEME 2.02, interview of Robert Reich
- New Maps of Hyperspace
- Offworld Metaplex
- On the End of a Quantum Mechanical Romance
- Post-Gutenberg Galaxy
- The Fourth Revolution in the Means of Production of Knowledge
- Principia Cybernetica
- PSYCHE: journal on consciousness
- SETI Bibliography
- Terence McKenna Land
- The Church of Virus
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- The Shape of the Universe
- The Talk.Origins Archive
- The Tree of Life Home Page
- Vernor Vinge on the Singularity
- ZYGON Article
- bsy's Security Related Net-pointers
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- Pretty Good Privacy
- Quadralay Cryptography Archive
- Vince Cate's Cryptorebel/Cypherpunk Page
- EcoNet's Mushroom & Mycology Resources
- hemp facts
- Just Say N2O
- marijuana and driving
- marijuana myths
- Paranoia archive
- PiHKAL: The Chemical Story
- The Amsterdam HighMarket
- The Eternal Philosophy of Chaos by Timothy Leary
- The Island Group
- Timothy Leary's Home Page
- uwec.edu archive
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- Current Weather Maps/Movies
- local weather report
- PARC Map Viewer
- planet earth home page
- U.S. Gazetteer
- ** ArtByMath Fractals & CDRom Fractal Artshow **
- chaotic_attractors
- cnam Fractals
- Fractal Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
- Fractal Image Encoding
- IconBAZAAR - Fractals
- Nonlinear Iterated Function Systems
- Spanky Welcome
- The Fractal Microscope
- JavaDict
- Arizona JapanCS Project
- Consortium for Lexical Research
- CulterWave Japan
- ftp.cdrom.com/pub/japanese
- Honyaku Home Page
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- Japan Window Home Page
- Japanese @ Human Language Page
- Japanese Independent Music Archive
- Jeffrey's JE Dictionary - mirror
- jpop images
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- NSF TOKYO HomePage
- Soc.culture.japan FAQ
- Tomigaya
- U Washington
- USJTMC Home Page
- WWW Servers in Japan
- Programming Language Critiques
- Directory of /dist/smlnj/working
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- Kawa, the Java-based Scheme system
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- RScheme Project Page
- Sather
- Scheme
- Self
- SML96
- Tcl
- The Caml language
- The Java(tm) Virtual Machine Specification
- Pizza
- baez math notes
- Math in Action
- Physics Information
- The Limits of Mathematics (in Java)
- Visual Math Institute
- Xah: Great Math Programs
- Jas -- Middle Eastern Dance / Dumbek Rhythms (dumbec, doumbec, doumbek)
- Axiom Home Page
- CERL Sound Group
- City of Tribes
- Computer Music Tutorials
- Dreamtime Didjeridu
- Opcode MAX
- p-funk
- The Drums and Percussion Page
- Vincent Voice Library
- WWWimagesize
- Archie Request Form
- Ethernet nexus
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- IRC Related Documents
- nsfnet statistics
- The Network Observer
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- ASGS, the Association for Support of Graduate Students
- BodyCentered Music
- Brown University Computer Science Department
- Circlet Press
- CPSR's Home Page
- DESY GNU Project Overview
- Exploratorium
- HotWired
- JEP: Journal of Electronic Publishing
- Justsystem Pittsburgh Research Center Home Page
- League for Programming Freedom (LPF)
- Liberty Hill Cyberwerks
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- Media Whore Studios
- Microsoft Research
- MIT nexus
- Neuromorphic Engineering
- NLP: Neuro-Linguistic Programming
- Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center Home Page
- Serendip Home Page
- Stanford Computer Science Department
- The Andrew Consortium
- Union for the Public Domain
- WRCT Pittsburgh 88.3fm
- Xerox PARC
- Synergy Institute
- Roland McGrath's Personal WWW Page
- Simon Fraser
- Henry's Home Page
- Charles Consel
- Chez Nix
- Craig W. Reynolds
- David DeMaris
- Eric Nyberg
- Gerard A. W. Vreeswijk
- Jack Sarfatti
- Jean-Francois Colonna
- joe mayo
- John C. Lilly, M.D.
- Marius Watz
- Martha Moran Draves
- Mike Sperber
- nell
- Olin Shivers
- Olivier Danvy
- pardo
- Ricardo Nassif
- Richard P. Draves
- Tanel Tammet
- Thad Beier
- Thomas Banchoff
- toad
- Go Software
- Jago
- (Pittsburgh) Bicycling Home Page
- AGA Home Page
- Confession Booth
- Ergo Go Client
- Games Domain - Games related information site
- Joseki Search
- Ken's Go Page
- Massachusetts Go Association
- Netrek Home Page
- NNGS - The No Name Go Server - Ratings FAQ
- nngs help file
- PHOAKS: Recommenders for Ratings graphs for NNGS rated users on rec.games.go
- Smart Game File Format
- Jonny Gammage
- Anti-Copyright
- Censorship at CMU
- Harry Browne for President
- New World Media / Digital Alternative Media
- NII copyright policy
- path dependence and network externalities
- Public Citizen
- Public-Domain.Org -- the Citizen's Interests in Intellectual Property
- Swan: Securing 5% of the Internet against Wiretapping in 1996
- The Noam Chomsky Archive
- Vendor and Artist News from New York City - ARTIST
- The Lurker's Guide to Video
- Open Sound System (OSS) Free
- Siag - Scheme In A Grid
- Montage: Breaking Windows into Small Pieces
- The Flux Operating System Toolkit
- TK-Gofer
- JDK 1.1.1 Documentation
- A Lisp through the Looking Glass
- Appel's research papers
- compilers & interpreters archive (RTCG)
- DirectDraw Programming
- Directory of /pub/kaffe
- DirectX doc
- DirectX Mailing List Archive
- dot graph viz
- Emacs Lisp manual
- Functional PostScript
- Futurist Programmers
- Header2Scheme
- http://solutions.apple....dev/quicktime-dev.INTRO
- Inter-Language Unification -- ILU
- java directory
- JavaWorld - Java Tips - Compile Java code without JDK
- John's Java Hacking Hideout
- Keyboard controls
- LIBTIFF - TIFF Software Library
- Macintosh AfterDark Programmers Manual
- Man Page Search
- metrowerks W O R L D W I D E
- perl manual
- Robert Lentz's Macintosh Programming Resources
- Scheme CGI Library
- Shade
- Shape project papers
- Software Department. NUT
- Standard ML Basis Library
- The GIMP
- The Little QuickTime Page
- The MrEd Home Page
- The Scheme Underground
- Windows 95 Screensaver Programming Home Page
- Windows Developer Frequently Asked Questions
- Inter-City Cost of Living Index
- airport bus schedule
- Alan Sokal Articles
- Aldous Huxley - SOMA WEB
- CELLS alive!
- Colibri Home Page
- Color Expansions: Interactive Pattern Creation Software
- Computational Theories of Interaction and Agency
- Computer Science Faculty and Research Positions
- Computer Science Faculty, Research and Postdoc Positions
- FX Account Page
- GRN - a USENET multi-part article culler and decoder
- Growing Intelligence
- HotWired Threads: The Beta Lounge Bombing Ground -- All Posts
- http://www.entropy8.com/wof.html
- http://www.mindspring.com/~redlight/bannerlaunch.html
- Human-Languages
- Jan Tai Tsung Kim
- John Labovitz's e-zine-list
- LSL WWW / LSL Technical Report
- NanoTechnology Magazine Home Page
- Nutritive Value of Foods
- Seraline Web Site
- SY Programming
- The Buddy Project
- The Connected Traveler - TravelMedia
- The Elephant's Memory
- The Raw Brain
- Xtoys
- Yahoo! Get Local: Pittsburgh, PA 15217
- The Shape Project
- Programming Language Research
- Infer Project
- Henry Baker's Research Papers
- Publications (22-Aug-1996)
- Class File Reader
- Assembler
- http://www.cs.cornell.e...cts/Ensemble/index.html
- LEDA - History Page
- Complex Gaussian Integers for 'Gaussian Graphics'
- Computer Science Faculty and Research Positions
- Computer Science Faculty Positions for 96/97
- Computer Science Jobs
- Dagstuhl Seminar "Partial Evaluation" (14-Nov-1995)
- inspec
- Joost-Pieter Katoen's Homepage
- PLDI'97 Information
- POPL97 General Information
- Software Systems Generator Research Group
- The Esterel Language
- synchronous realtime (aubry)
- SwitchWare: Accelerating Network Evolution with a Software Switch for Active Networks
- The International Conference on Functional Programming (ICFP)
- The International Conference on Functional Programming 97(ICFP '97)
- Mike VanHilst's research
Reverse Index
- 1994 Technological Art Show
- Corporate magazine DIALOG, 1/95
- direction of evolution
- Flame pictures
- Famous persons' homepages
- Fnord Information: Main Menu
- Fractal Flames
- GNU Emacs Manual - Distribution
- http://sunsite.doc.ic.a...ations/xlockmore.README
- http://www.cli.di.unipi.it/bitmovie/txt/pub96.txt
- http://www.diku.dk/rese...topps-talks/1995/951023
- http://www.lavasoft.com/edict.doc
- http://www.mit.edu:8001.../emacs/elisp/webster.el
- ICFP'97/PEPM'97: Advance Programme
- New Horizons in Computer Music Guest Recital
- PE1996, Abstracts of Accepted Papers
- PowerGrid Journal Artist - Scott Draves
- Previous events in the DART/LOMAPS group
- http://www.siggraph.org...t-design/art-design.txt
- Scott Draves
- SML/NJ Contributors
- Scsh (a Unix Scheme shell) FAQ
- XScreenSaver
- About SPHIGS
- Ptolemy Project
- Csound
- dspWatch Home Page
- MPEG info
- Signal Processing Research Centre
- The Karma Homepage
- Vision and Modeling Group Tech Reports
Toolbar Folder
- cboard
- HotBot
- Bibl
- encyc
- movies
- nytimes
- stocks
- Yahoo!
- Zarchive
- [++]: self-discipline
- Creating a Newsgroup
- How to Create a New Usenet Newsgroup
- Hypertext FAQs
- Ohio FAQs
- TripTease Homepage
- Ron Pellegrino and The Electronic Arts of Sound and Light
- I N P E R M A N E N T C O N S T R U C T I O N
- Music Visualizers
- Alan Moore's Watchmen
- Apes
- CUI Vision Group
- Departmental Cameras Page
- Entomology Image Gallery: Insect Pictures
- galleria (images)
- GRAFICA Obscura
- Hyperreal Tool Shed
- KODAK: Sample Digital Images
- map of armenia
- Marek Gibney Homepage
- MkzdK 2.0 Entrance
- Mystic Fire Video
- O'Bannon Oriental Carpets - Azeri
- Screen Saver Heaven, Screen Saver Screensaver Screensaver Screen Savers Screensaver
- Screen Savers
- sunet.se pictures
- Texas.net Museum of Art Archive Mirror in HTML
- The Icon Browser
- The Official CTHUGHA Home Page
- The Psychedelic Screen Saver
- Thinking Pictures Web Site
- includes illustrations from the Codex Seraphinianus
- UMN Interactive Geometry
- Understanding Comics
- Xmorphia
- Xtacy
- CGI (Common Gateway Interface)
- electric minds
- Fill-Out Form doc
- HTML Quick Reference Guide
- HyperNews
- HyperText Markup Language (HTML):
- NCSA HTTPd Overview
- Real-Time Magellan Searches
- The Virtual MeetMarket(sm)
- WWW Icons at BSDI
- _SPEED_Home
- The South Bay Ultimate League
- Linux 2.0 Unofficial Patches (penguin-2.0.30.patch)
- Directory of /pub/DEC/SRC/x2x
- Dr. Paradise's Home Page
- Silicon Valley Computer Society Linux Special Interest Group