Generation 165 at PlanetWorks in NYC Tonight
I am in New York City this week and
I have made last minute arrangements
with the
PlanetWork Forum for an
informal showing of my latest work:
a new physical manifestation of the
Electric Sheep. This device
contains a 75 gigabyte database of
sheep that would have taken a single
computer more than 20 years to
render. If played back end-to-end
without any sequencing or continuity
it would take 25 hours total, but
with the playback engine recombining
the sheep the result is an
effectively infinite fountain. The
device is nearly silent, and in a
quiet, dark room the result is
uncanny. It's called it "Generation
165", and we would be honored by your
attention tonight
(26 Greene St in SOHO).
7-7:30pm: networking & light refreshments*
7:30 - 8:30/9pm: presentations
8:30/9pm - 9:30pm: networking and light refreshments
* a $10 donation to cover costs is appreciated.
Posted by spot at February 16, 2005 02:53 PM
Spot--We're the folks who bought a DVD. Just to let you know, we've been playing it all morning (and, now, I guess, afternoon). Loving it. We're going to play it at our next two parties (and other times). Thanks.