
Yesterday I wiped Windows and Redhat off my laptop and installed
Ubuntu Linux. As I clicked to reformat the hard disk I felt a rush of fear and power. Will it work? There's no turning back... Hope and liberty!
A day later I'm starting to get comfy: email, calendar, bookmarks, documents, most of my life is restored from backup and working. It's the third computer I've converted in the past week, but this is different. This is my primary laptop, my second brain, the computer i carry with me everywhere. My life depends on these 2.5lbs of fragile electronics and software, and all indications are my life just got much better: video, sleep, and wifi completely work without any futzing. Only thing left to figure out is interfacing with my camera. Look for better Ubuntu compatibility from the Electric Sheep client. :)
Posted by spot at May 16, 2007 11:52 PM