Pix on Ubuntu

I haven't been taking many pictures lately but irresistible moments turn up now and then... Worse I was procrastinating the task of copying the photos from camera to computer and selecting and correcting them because I hadn't yet done this with Ubuntu Linux and I wasn't sure it would work. Before I had always used Photoshop under Windows, but
that was no longer possible. Eventually the flash chip filled up (in the middle of the fireworks on Independence Day of course). I am happy to report the process went flawlessly.

I plugged in the camera with USB (before I had used the SD slot on my laptop, but it has a proprietary interface) and a window popped up asking if I wanted to import. I said yes and several minutes later (USB is slower than SD) all the photos had been copied to a directory and rotated according to the exif tags. Super! I tried using F-Spot to select and correct, but it wants to import stuff into its database rather than just operating on files. And its color correction controls are lame. Gthumb is a great browser, but it doesn't have the capability to copy images between folders. Fortunately the gnome file browser is up to the task. And then to crop and correct I used the Gimp, which has a clunky interface compared to Photoshop, but it got the job done. See the results for yourself.
Posted by spot at July 11, 2007 11:43 AM
You can use FSpot to operate on files (it will write references into its database but leave the pictures where they came from). But this has a downside: You cannot rename or move the files after FSpot grabbed them because it won't track this. (It should use the inode-numbers instead of the filenames...)