November 30, 2007
Dreamhost Donations
My Dreamhost account finally went over quota, and so the megapacks have been throttled. Fortunately they support a donation system that goes directly to pay the bandwidth bills:

Posted by spot at November 30, 2007 12:16 PM
I've made my part :)
Come on people keep up the sheepserver!
Can you tell us more how u will use the money
the donations go directly to pay for bandwidth to distribute electric sheep.
Hiya, a younger more savvy contractor showed me this. And i'm totally in love with it! I have two questions. 1a: Do you need a mirror site? b:how much bandwidth per month would you need or do you currently average for the packs.
2: From what i read about your policy on public display, you'd like credit. Can my company(no we wont SELL your program) use it on our holo windows in vehicles and give you credit through overlay since a plaque or similar isn't practical. That brings me to my suggestion. Possibly insert an option to display the weblink IN the program?
I work for hosting company that is willing to support people like you. I will forward your blog to my manager, and they will consider making donation or providing full free hosting..
Spot, I think that's a great idea... I can understand 'coz I have also had this problem before.
now they offer unlimited bandwidth.