by software artist Scott Draves. You may also follow me on google+ or twitter, buy art, or join me on facebook.

November 12, 2008

FLAM3 2.7.17 released

Get the latest here. Should appear in the PPA soon. The change-log:
Add error checking on the numbers in the input genome. Do not exit on read errors, fail gracefully. Changed sin/cos = tan in the tangent variation. Added polar to list of variations that use the inverted linear identity. Bugfix: temporal_filter_exp was not set properly in template. Apply interpolation attribute in templates. Add/publish datarootdir with pkg-config so the palette file is easy to find (for qosmic). Copyright by Spotworks LLC instead of Spot and Erik. Add fuzz checks to the regression suite. include LNX/OSX/WIN in the version string. In flam3-genome animate command, added one to last flame time, so the end time is inclusive.
comment on the forum. Posted by spot at November 12, 2008 01:08 PM
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