by software artist Scott Draves. You may also follow me on google+ or twitter, buy art, or join me on facebook.
First, the opening of Recombinant Flux at the Rx Gallery 6-9pm at 132 Eddy Street. I'll have a live installation of Electric Sheep, the SPOTWORKS DVD on a big plasma display, and five digital prints. Also in the show are the works of Marie-Jose Durquet, Josh Feldman, Alice Kelley, Christina McPhee, Loren Means, Aaron Ross, Shirley Shor and Daniel Shulman-Means.
At 9pm the art stays up but Multiverse takes over the Rx for an evening of experimental electronic music including performances by Lx Rudis of the Drum Machine Museum and my dear friend Zoe Keating of Rasputina.
Then it's on to the Sublounge at 20th @ 3rd for Triple Power where guests Brian of Routes Music and Chris McGarry of Sol System join resident Shanti. I'll be on live visuals and Bekka will perform spoken word.
After that it's a 3-day camp-out with Vibrant up in Willits...
In 19. Century chemistry professor Friedlieb Ferdinand (1794-1867) discovered pictures which painted themselves. Its painting consisted of the fact that it dripped chemical solutions on absorbent paper. Thus automatically form and color processes with fascinating boundary surface dynamics developed. From this discovery the procedure of the chromatography developed later. ... With my investigations for the Morphogenese and structure formation I develop new procedures of the picture production. This kind to work presupposes a new self understanding of the artist. It is not any more the exclusive creator of its work of art, but self-dynamics and creativity of the subject play a crucial role during the organization process.
First, the biggest Electric Sheep installation ever with 4x19" LCDs and wall-sized video projection will premier from 6:30 to 10:00pm at the Herbst International Exhibition Hall in Fort Mason in the Presidio. It's the preview/benefit/opening of GenArt's NewFangle, billed as
A sneak preview of the provocative 5th annual New-Media exhibition celebrating work by emerging Bay Area artists. A spectacular union of art, culture and technology fantastically brought to life through video, audio, web and three-dimensional installations and state-of-the-art printing techniques.
Then the SF Weekly's pick for Friday night: Light Rhythm Visuals release party for our second DVD LightRhythm:R2
at Cellspace. This runs 8pm-2am and my set should be about midnight. The event is part of the AVIT conference and is billed as
A San Francisco style fusion of art gallery, performance and thumpin' party...
The first presenter was a tall man named Spot Draves, whose presentation concerned his Web site, Electric Sheep, on which abstract images constantly change form, in response to information coming from other people’s computers via the Internet. Draves is tall and bald and diffident. “I’m not a big public speaker,” he said. “So I did the program at home, alone, in the dark, which is how I’m most comfortable, and I’m going to play that.” Swirling colors appeared on the wall, and Draves was heard saying mildly, “The project started in ’99. It was based on an algorithm developed in 1992. The title is based on the novel ‘Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?,’ by Philip K. Dick.” Draves also said that it represented “the collective dream of sleeping computers all over the Internet.” Now and then he would place his hands at his sides and gather his pant legs, which made his cuffs rise, as if he were preparing to cross a stream. At the end of his talk, he held up a disk and said, “Please buy my DVD. I quit my day job to do this.”
7:30pm, Snacks, Networking, Socializing
8:00pm, DVD presentation - "SIGGRAPH preview DVD"
8:15pm, Presentation - "Electric Sheep: animating and evolving artificial life-forms"
Location: Apple Campus, Deanza 3 auditorium, Mariani Drive, Cupertino