by software artist Scott Draves. You may also follow me on google+ or twitter, buy art, or join me on facebook.
Scott Draves è un artista con invidiabili abilità tecniche. Negli anni ha prodotto il progetto aperto e multipiattaforma 'Bomb', uno dei primi visualizzatori musicali software e il raffinatissimo 'Electric Sheep', uno screensaver distribuito per la creazione di affascinanti creature artificiali. La sua cultura artistica affonda le mani nella scienza e nella storia della scienza, riuscendo ad astrarre i processi e a coniugarli alle loro possibilità estetiche. In questo dvd sono raccolti video ricavati da tre filoni seguiti da Draves: Bomb ed Electric Sheep, appunto e da una manipolazione visuale dell'opera di uno scienziato dell'800: Ernst Henkel. A prestito, infatti, sono state prese le sue visionarie elaborazioni illustrate, elaborando le immagini attraverso i processi di composizione del dub. Dal cosiddetto 'digital zoom', ossia il progressivo passaggio dalla visione dei singoli pixel all'immagine complessiva, alla sovrapposizione delle aliene creazioni di Henkel, i video mettono in pratica un processo frattale e ipnotico, che basa le sue spettacolari stimolazioni percettive su una proprietà per noi fondamentale: la simmetria. Il continuo specchiarsi degli elementi e la loro creazione condivisa (concetto salvaguardato anche nella licenza Creative Commons delle opere), nobilita estetica e cultura scientifica. E infatti la scienza e le sue leggi che si nascondono dietro ogni calcolo informatico, riemergono attraverso una cultura visuale che se ne appropria, attribuendogli un senso pieno e contemporaneo.
After siggraph I flew to Seattle for three days of vacation with my siblings and nieces in a cabin on Lake Wenatchee in the Cascades. Very relaxing. The pictures from all this will appear soon. In the meantime, here's the low-hanging fruit:
I was one of 14 people interviewed by the siggraph media team, the result appears here.
Electric Sheep was also described as a highlight of the show in the official art gallery press release.
and I'll give a presentation on it in the session "beautiful things" at 1:45-3:30pm thursday in Room 515B.
Sunday, 8 August 1 pm - 6 pm Monday, 9 August 9 am - 6 pm Tuesday, 10 August 9 am - 6 pm Wednesday, 11 August 9 am - 6 pm Thursday, 12 August 9 am - 5 pm
If you'll be at the conference and would like to meet me just drop an email and we'll set something up.
If you're looking for a new DVD full of mind-blowing visuals to play at your next party, or just to go on a personal journey with, check out Spotworks. This is a highly impressive collection put together by Spot Draves, VJ and Software Artist from San Francisco. Not only is it altogether different and unique from the usual visuals produced these days, there is an element of brilliance with these images, as Spotworks has succeeded in creating a new breed of electronic life form. The DVD consists of 5 spectacular pieces, my favourites being the Black and White Dub sections, where Spot has employed the artwork of Ernst Haeckel, and takes you on a mind bending spiralling journey into a strangely familiar world of creatures and life forms. Simple yet complex, you'll have your eyes glued to the screen as the hypnotic journey unfolds. The soundtrack is also worth a mention, featuring the likes of ABA Structure and other talented producers to add to the journey through this strange and wonderful world. The DVD also features Electric Sheep, a collaborative visual project seeded by Spot, involving thousands of participants' work via one website. Imagine images tweaked and developed by thousands of people, and put into one piece, and you've got Electric Sheep---artificial life forms created by many "Shepherds", as Spot would call them. Mind bending and highly intelligent mesmerising stuff, I'd encourage anyone into pushing the boundaries of graphic art/design to check out what Spot Draves has been up to. This is cutting edge and futuristic stuff bound to blow your mind.Wow, thank you Becca!Becca Dakini
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