April 26, 2005
Interview Archived

The interview of me by
Heather Dewey-Hagborg is archived by
The first couple minutes are music, just skip ahead.
Thanks to Tamara for moral support ;)
Posted by spot at
12:30 AM
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April 22, 2005
The 2nd Thursday from today will be May 5th and the Berkeley
Center for New Media and Intel are
sponsoring a conference:
050505: Zoning and Grinding. I'll present
Electric Sheep in the 2nd session between 11:15am and 1pm, and also do VJ-style visuals for the concert and reception 5:30pm to 10pm. The event is free
and open to the public but you must register in advance.
The program
looks great. I feel honored to be in such company.
Posted by spot at
02:43 PM
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April 21, 2005
Sheep 2.6b6 for linux
with improved configuration from nix at esperi dot org dot uk, plus some random bugfixes. be sure to also install this hacked version of
xscreensaver if you have not already (it has not changed).
We really need new voting icons! Anyone with decent graphic design or
drawing skills please lend me a few minutes of your talent! In particular I am looking for
icons used to acknowledge the
votes. Each is a 256x256 grayscale PNG with transparency, one is a
"happy sheep" for when you vote positive and the other is displayed
for negative votes. If you install and run you can see the current
icons are just placeholders... No need to be fancy or creative, a
quickie will do.
Posted by spot at
06:25 PM
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April 20, 2005
IP#s versus Users
One of the new features of the 2.6 sheep client is that each installation uniquely identifies itself to the server. That means I can finally count the number of users, rather than estimate it by counting unique IP addresses. After a couple weeks of beta activity I have some preliminary results: 2197 IP addresses to 1113 users. That means counting addresses is off by about a factor of 2 in the long run. When measured for one day (April 18th) it came to 505/472 = 1.07. I assume the difference results from users getting new IP#s as the days go by.
So when the 2.5 server was clocking 10000 addresses per day, it was really only getting 9300 users, if these numbers hold.
Posted by spot at
06:25 PM
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Monday 8pm Interview on Web Radio

On Monday April 25th at 8:00pm PST
I'll be
interviewed on
Different Bits on Enemy Combatant Radio. Tune in
Posted by spot at
03:48 PM
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The Text of Oxyrhynchus Papyri Revealed
According to
this story in The Independent, scientists are using infrared light to read the
Oxyrhynchus Papyri. This collection of what appear to the unaided eye to be rotting scraps is so large their revelation is expected to increase by 20% the number of extant ancient Greek and Roman texts. In just the few days since they began reading they've already discovered new works by Sophocles, Euripides, and Hesiod. From
Monkey See, Monkey Do.
Posted by spot at
12:52 AM
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April 19, 2005
Plugged in Keyboard Magazine

The April 2005 issue of
Keyboard Magazine has a paragraph, photo, and side-bar about me. The photo
is from the
WorldSpirit Afterparty. The paragraph says:
Scott Draves has written two programs that generate abstract visuals, and they're both open source. One is Electric Sheep a distributed-computing application that generates mind-blowing MPEG2 movies of evolving fractal "flames." You can download the client, which runs as a screen saver, use the resulting movies in a show, or edit the code for your own purposes. Electric Sheep doesn't sync to audio, but its smoothly-morphing eye candy works behind almost any kind of music. Bomb is an earlier program of Scott's that runs a variety of artificial life algorithms in time to beat-detected audio.
The sidebar has links to
Electric Sheep, and
Thank you
Carl &co!
Posted by spot at
06:26 PM
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In Grasse I met Remy Tassou, creator of
Cybertrash, beautiful and original scultpures and "paintings" made from scrap technology. Just think if this guy had access to the dumpsters of Silicon Valley!
Posted by spot at
03:07 PM
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Three Weeks of Francophilia
Posted by spot at
01:43 PM
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April 13, 2005
Sheep Nominated for Webby
I am honored to report that
Electric Sheep has been nominated for a
Webby Award in the
Arts category. The decision is made by the Academy, but the you can vote for it in the
People's Voice category.
Thanks you so much!
Posted by spot at
01:28 AM
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