by software artist Scott Draves. You may also follow me on google+ or twitter, buy art, or join me on facebook.

June 30, 2006

Death & Rain #1 on Harmony Channel

The music-video Death & Rain by Kenji Williams and me is the #1 requested track on the free Video on Demand Harmony Channel, on Comcast. The track is from the SPOTWORKS DVD, and you can see sample clips on myspace.
from Kenji's newsletter: Beyond the 'kill your television' paradigm, Harmony Channel uses the TV; the most commonly available 'window to the world', to spread beauty and harmonic, elevating visual music to the masses. If a sane world kept the TV around, it would have content like Harmony Channel. I feel this is one big step forward in spreading a powerful, beautiful, evolutionary vibration to the masses, and we need YOUR HELP in letting the word out! I know how few of you on my list watch TV, so... pick up the phone, and CALL YOUR PARENTS and FRIENDS, and tell them to tune in! *Harmony is in Comcast's On Demand service (channel #1) under the MUSIC category - Comcast�s most popular On Demand category -- alongside Music Choice and MTV Harmony Channel is available in most major metropolitan areas of the USA, with greater coverage over the coming months. For the web and online store, check it out online: at
Posted by spot at 01:01 PM | Comments (0)

June 29, 2006


Grids like these are used to search for good genetic cross-fades between electric sheep. Here we're searching for good transitions to and from a particular sheep. Many transitions have a degenerate stage.
Posted by spot at 01:04 PM | Comments (0)

Photos from France & NYC

Still uncaptioned photos from the tour aka Annecy France and NYC.
Posted by spot at 01:35 AM | Comments (0)

ASCI Spotlight on HiFiDreams

ASCI (Art and Science Collaborations, Inc) has put their spotlight on Dreams in High Fidelity which is being exhibited for the next week in a show organized by NY Digital Salon.
Posted by spot at 01:19 AM | Comments (0)

June 11, 2006

FLAM3 2.7b8

FLAM3 2.7b8 available for download. The changelog:
disable density estimation for 16 and 32 bit buffers because it doesn't work. Apo team removed "enabled" from final xform specification, so now it defaults to on. make default temporal samples be 60 so that motion blur is the default, but explicitly ignore temporal samples when rendering still frames. add strip genetic operator to flam3-genome for breaking a flame into strips for parallel rendering. add subpixel offsets for antialiasing by averaging multiple images. change attribute name "batches" to "passes" because many old genomes have it set, and with density estimation it is harmful.
Posted by spot at 01:57 PM | Comments (0)

June 08, 2006

Entheocentric Salon

And next saturday night, June 17th in New York City in Alex Grey's Chapel of Sacred Mirrors, an all night dance party featuring painting, music, and visuals. I'll be playing the Dreams in High Fidelity.
The Entheocentric Saloon

June 17th

A fusion of art & music,
psychotropic video projection,
live painting & trance grooves

CoSMosis Line up:
From 10 PM until 6 AM

-Pedro (Reality Engine / Interchill): Originally from Brazil,
 now based in NYC, Pedro plays and produces free style tribal
 grooves. From dub beats into trip-hop, deep mid-tempo tribal
 psy-trance and house, he fuses influences from many cultures
 and genres to build an uplifting sonorous experience.

-Karmakanik vs. Eg~bot (Gaian Mind | PSI - Philadelphia/NYC):
 Infamous for their underground forest gatherings, these two
 djs are equally renowned for their skills behind the decks.
 With recent bookings in Boston, LA, DC, TDC and Gaian Mind
 summer festivals, come see why these trance wizards are some
 of the most in demand djs on the east coast.  Expect a
 "progenfunkengrooven" set from two of philly's phinest!
-LOUD DJ set (Israel) - Kobi Tledano : This one half of LOUD
 was infected by the psytrance bug and movement back in the
 mid-nineties. Kobi has a significant and daring new sound,
 fresh and powerful, always seeking to expand their knowledge
 and results. In this performance he will be presenting to us
 the freshest of the hi-tech psy trance.

-Matyas (Reality Engine): Living in New York City, Matyas
 developed a distinct taste influenced by its diverse culture.
 He has a unique ability to provide the right elements for the
 creation of uplifting and otherworldly environments, from
 festival dance floors in the heart of Brazil to nightclubs in
 Tokyo. He Integrates organic with the high tech, abstract
 with conceptual, bringing to you the latest sounds from the
 best artists around the world.

CoSM Line up:
The Chapel will be open from 12 AM until 5 AM


-Inicha: Groovy sonic cosmic connection, live drum beats and bass
 strums, for your dancing pleasure.


-Blue Spectral Monkey (TOUCH Samadhi, Interchill, Asheville,
 NC) -- As a chillout dj, he explores squishy liquid bliss
 soundscapes, which twist and groove with elastic geometric
 symmetry.  After 10 years of spinning, ever deeper he dives
 into mutating gooey underwater dubworlds in a tricked out
 subwoofer submarine.

-Shai (Divine Balance Rec. / India) With an ethnic flare with
 goa elements and broad-spectrum sounds of psychedelia, she
 will be performing a downtempo set on this gathering.  Guest
 Vjs: Optical Delusion and VJ Spot

Price: $20

540 W. 27th Street, 4th Floor


Posted by spot at 02:30 AM | Comments (0)

Harmony Festival and Techno-Tribal Dance

This Saturday night the Techno-Tribal dance at the Harmony Festival will feature the Electric Sheep visuals on the main stage. The music will be ridiculous and include some of my favorites: Sound Tribe Sector 9 and Freq Nasty. Elsewhere in the festival are Ozomatli, Cake, Spearhead, and a long list of talent of all types. Wish I could say I will be there in person rather than just sending my android representatives, but I'll still be here at Annecy. Note the sheep graphics in the poster and the image on the right. Thanks Zack
Posted by spot at 02:11 AM | Comments (6)

June 06, 2006

Sheep in Windows Media Player

I just got email about this: a Windows Media Player 10 plugin that runs Electric Sheep for the visualizer. Get it here.

I haven't tried this myself, so please let me know how it works for you.

Thanks Justin!

Posted by spot at 06:11 AM | Comments (0)

June 04, 2006

Dreams in High Fidelity on Tour

The Evolution of Art

Dreams in High Fidelity on Tour

June 2006

France and
New York City

Dream 165.25305
The Collective Dream of a Cyborg Mind Composed of 30,000 Computers and People
Dear Friends, summer has started and I find myself on the road again. This is good news: if you are in New York or France, you have a chance to see the Dreams in High Fidelity live. Starting Monday June 5th it will play at the Annecy Film Festival for five days. On the 11th and 12th I'll be in Paris, but I don't have a show scheduled so please call or email to arrange a demo or suggest a venue. My mobile number here is +33614989738.   Next up is New York City. I am pleased to announce that the NY Digital Salon has selected the Dreams to be part of their Abstract Visual Music show. The opening is on June 22nd at the School of Visual Arts in Chelsea, and it runs there for about a week. Later in the year the show will travel with a schedule to be announced.

If you live in San Francisco then all is not lost. I will return and I am planning a bit of a soirée... and perhaps a surprise before then even.

Details are below. Thank you for your attention.

"Fertile ground for a new digital and social knowledge commons." —Life 4.0 Jury Statement
Annecy France

International Symposium on
Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering

Keynote Lecture, Monday June 5, 11am
Salle Pierre Martin, Conseil Général

Annecy International Animated Film Festival
Bonlieu Espace 60, June 5 - 9, 10am-6pm daily

  New York City

NY Digital Art Salon presents
Abstract Visual Music
Opening Reception June 22nd, 5-7pm
Show June 23rd-July 1st
Gallery Hours, Tuesday - Saturday 12-5pm
132 West 21st Street, 7th floor

"An intoxicating blend of coral reef and fireworks display" —Discover Magazine
Schedule Updates

You may subscribe or unsubscribe to this email list.
Posted by spot at 02:37 AM | Comments (2)