May 25, 2007
HiFiDreams in Love's Secret Domain at 3rd Ward

Two week Brooklyn showing of
Dreams in High Fidelity at mainstay
3rd Ward:
Love's Secret Domain:
Aziz + Cucher
Miriam Brumer
Heung-Heung Chin
Lorenzo de Los Angeles
Ali M. Demirel
Seze Devres
Scott Draves
Julie Evans
Debra Hampton
Robert Horansky
Deniz Kurtel
David Last
Cotter Luppi
Curtis Mitchell
Genesis P. Orridge
Jeff Perrot
J.G. Thirlwell
Jason Voegele
Robyn Voshardt + Sven Humphrey
3rd WARD 195 Morgan Ave, Brooklyn NY
Opening Reception: June 8th 7 - 10pm
On View: June 8 - 24, 2007
Gallery Hours: Monday - Saturday: 8am to midnight Sunday: noon to midnight
Plan is for a big wall-mounted HD LCD.
Posted by spot at
06:15 PM
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Forum Archived
The original electric sheep forum has finally been put down after seven years operation, the last couple of which were plagued by spam. I am very excited about the bright and shiny
replacement, but first let's look back...
The archives (laboriously scrubbed clean please tell me if i missed any) are available as
flat static html and
browsable cgi as long as the perl stays healthy.
It collected 11138 messages in its days, including the chronicles of sheep lore such as
sheepocalypses (around message 1140) and the domain hijacking (message 170).
Posted by spot at
04:01 PM
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May 19, 2007
Drupal Sheep Site Live

Electric Sheep have a brand-spanking-new
community web site. The initial attraction here is
the replacement for the ancient (in continuous operation since 1999!),
Hypernews-based forum.
The bigger plan is to connect the Drupal user database to the registration feature of the not yet released 2.7 client. That will allow registration for premium service, for example, a pay-for-bandwidth system.
Posted by spot at
05:28 PM
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May 16, 2007

Yesterday I wiped Windows and Redhat off my laptop and installed
Ubuntu Linux. As I clicked to reformat the hard disk I felt a rush of fear and power. Will it work? There's no turning back... Hope and liberty!
A day later I'm starting to get comfy: email, calendar, bookmarks, documents, most of my life is restored from backup and working. It's the third computer I've converted in the past week, but this is different. This is my primary laptop, my second brain, the computer i carry with me everywhere. My life depends on these 2.5lbs of fragile electronics and software, and all indications are my life just got much better: video, sleep, and wifi completely work without any futzing. Only thing left to figure out is interfacing with my camera. Look for better Ubuntu compatibility from the Electric Sheep client. :)
Posted by spot at
11:52 PM
Comments (1)
May 12, 2007
Guardian of Eden Benefit June 8th

It will be a pleasure and an honor to participate in a benefit for
The Guardian of Eden on June 8th at the
National Arts Club. I'll be giving a brief presentation and exhibiting the
Dreams in High Fidelity.
EDEN'S MASQUERADE is a benefit and counter-cultural exposition for artist Kate Raudenbush's monumental sculpture Guardian of Eden. It will be shown for the first time in the Nevada desert at the 40,000 person Burning Man festival. With the generous support of this artistic community, the concept of the Guardian of Eden will come to life.
Bring your favorite masked disguise:
Friday, June 8th, 2007
The National Arts Club
15 Gramercy Park South
New York City
$40 - available on the TICKETS page
*Please RSVP on this website
Silent Auction of Burning Man art photographs begins
featuring Bailey Photography
Wine and beer bar
Burning Man slideshow
Sculpture presentations by Burning Man artisits:
Kate Raudenbush- Guardian of Eden
Spot Draves- Electric Sheep
Ben Jones- DNA Trees
more TBA
Music and Dancing:
Music by DJ Morgan Stoner and Been Jammin'
Lights by Ben Mehlman
Visuals by Spot
Posted by spot at
04:02 PM
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May 08, 2007
Word of the Day: Octonian

Octonian is like
Quaternion but with 8 dimensions instead of 4. They are non-associated, making them too exotic for daily use, but they turn up in
E8, the 496 dimensional exceptional Lie algebra that was
recently mapped, a calculation dubbed one of the largest ever.
Posted by spot at
01:27 PM
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May 04, 2007
Molecule of the Day: Nitrous Acid

Nitrous acid (aka HONO) is a weak monobasic acid known only in solution and in the form of nitrite salts. From
molecule of the day.
Posted by spot at
01:35 AM
Comments (2)
May 03, 2007
The Last Mimzy
Stills from the trailer of The Last Mimzy, showing
use of fractal flames.
Previously: Perfect Stranger, Renegade.
A long time ago: Matriculated in The Animatrix.
Posted by spot at
11:11 AM
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