by software artist Scott Draves. You may also follow me on google+ or twitter, buy art, or join me on facebook.
Sleight of Mind by George Johnson from the NYTimes, cognitive science meets vegas: Money quote:
“Stage magicians know that a collection of cheap tricks will often suffice to produce ‘magic,’ ” Dr. Dennett has written, “and so does Mother Nature, the ultimate gadgeteer.”
Limnic Eruption, or exploding lake, is a rare type of natural disaster only observed twice, but the 1986 incident killed over 1700 people.
08/14/07 various code updates to assist with compiling under msvc++. now can specify --disable-pthread or --enable-pthread to configure to better control compilation. fixed bug preventing renders of flames with more than 128 xforms.
Best of all I finally met face to face with two of the silent forces behind the sheep: coppercat and llamamama. Thanks for the hospitality and all the yummy sheep. Y'all rock!
While I was happy to see Ishwara make the sheep available to a wider audience (by using a different codec and making a web page of them), I was disappointed that the sheep weren't even mentioned. The sheep designs are distributed under a CreativeCommons license that requires attribution. Ishwara's page is clearly a violation of the license and of the trust of all the artists who contribute to the gene pool.
I pointed this out on the VJ Forum where Ishwara announced his page. He launched into a tirade against me and admits to copying the files but denies any responsibility to credit his sources. The argument starts on page 5 of the forum... warning: R rated for obscene language. You should see the private messages he sent me....
What's strange is that he apparently was a contributing designer and sheep enthusiast years ago, and has since then for unknown cause turned against me and now harbors a deep and personal grudge.
No idea where this is going -- tell me what you think...
side-by side comparison of just one:
The image on the left is from his site (the 12th one down from the top on the linked page), and on the right is the original on the sheepserver. The files match bit-for-bit.
Update August 8th: Alas, rather than comply, Ishwara has removed almost all the sheep content from his site (hence the side-by-side comparison above no longer works). He's also vandalized the comments on this blog entry, and continued his screed against me on the vjforum and by email.
Update August 20th: Ishwara said he would correct the site and then bring it back. But then the whole thing vanished, and an error message from his ISP took its place.