by software artist Scott Draves. You may also follow me on google+ or twitter, buy art, or join me on facebook.
Add error checking on the numbers in the input genome. Do not exit on read errors, fail gracefully. Changed sin/cos = tan in the tangent variation. Added polar to list of variations that use the inverted linear identity. Bugfix: temporal_filter_exp was not set properly in template. Apply interpolation attribute in templates. Add/publish datarootdir with pkg-config so the palette file is easy to find (for qosmic). Copyright by Spotworks LLC instead of Spot and Erik. Add fuzz checks to the regression suite. include LNX/OSX/WIN in the version string. In flam3-genome animate command, added one to last flame time, so the end time is inclusive.comment on the forum.
I met Laura Cesari aka Caballera since she's a sheep designer. Her more traditional graphic design skills came to my attention through a Firefox theme that she made that used a sheep as its throbber. I described to her what we needed, and she agreed to the gig.
She then produced a bunch of sketches, I picked my favorite, and after a bit of back-and-forth I had the line-art for the design on the right in my inbox. The whole process was quick and painless, and the price was right. Highly recommended.
The logo as line art in SVG format.