
Section spec defined the behavior of a specializer {semantic-brackets {m spec}} with

{semantic-brackets {m f}} {m x} {m y} = {semantic-brackets {semantic-brackets {m spec}} {m f} {m x}} {m y}

A specializer produces special cases from general procedures. This chapter exhibits one such system (\\cal{}S), and uses it to understand the practice of polyvariant specialization. First I introduce my notation and give a simple online specializer for a typed \\lambda-language. I then extend the calculus with products, booleans, and sums. The remaining sections discuss lifting, memoization, recursion, and compiler generation. The correctness of \\cal{}S is considered in Section crct.

This chapter is generally a review of Partial Evaluation (PE) practice; [CoDa98] and [JoGoSe93] are the standard texts of the field and may be considered references of first resort. [Jones91] is a theoretical introduction to operational behavior of specializers, and [Jones88] provides a practical description of first-order PE. [WCRS91, Consel88, Thiemann96, BoDa91, BiWe93] are system descriptions.

Figure domains gives the grammar of the object language and its type structure. It also defines some domains [Reynolds97] and their associated metavariables. The language is a call-by-value \\lambda-calculus extended with integer constants, primitives, conditionals, a lift annotation, and explicit types on abstractions. I use the {c typewriter} face for the terms of the object language. I use \\diamond to denote a generic, ``black box'' binary primitive operation. {frame-box Frames} mark manipulation of the terms of the \\lambda-language's syntax and types. Frames appear in patterns and expressions. The slots of the term in the frame are either metavariables or parenthesized expressions in the metalanguage.

Figure specfn gives a specializer \\cal{}S. Roman typeface is used for metalanguage constructs such as ``let {m pat}={m e}
in {m e}'' and ``if {m e} then {m e} else {m e}''. ``Match {m e} {m pat} {evalsto} {m e} ...'' denotes pattern matching where the metavariables only match members of the appropriate domain. I use [{m v}{mapsto}{m m}]{rho} to denote the extension of the environment \\rho with a binding from the variable v to the value m, and [] to denote the empty environment.

Note that several operators have two notations, one in the metalanguage and one in the object language. For example lambda is the syntax for a procedure and \\lambda is a mathematical function; * denotes the product type and \\times denotes the product of two domains.

\\cal{}S is a partial-evaluation function, it assigns a meaning from \\sf{}M to a source text with environment. The difference from the ordinary semantics is that \\sf{}M contains \\sf{}Exp, whose members represent computations dependent on unknown values, that is, residual code. I say the specializer emits residual code.

The lift primitive forces its argument to become residual code; I call it an annotation because it has no meaning in the ordinary, one-stage semantics.

Figure helpers defines the reflection and reification functions U and D (up from the subject language and down from the metalanguage). They operate as coercions between code and data; understanding them is not essential to this chapter. D is invoked in the term for the meaning of lift.

An important property that this specializer lacks is safety. \\cal{}S may lose effects or duplicate computations. For example, the rule for static function application works by substitution, so if the computation of an argument has a side-effect, but is then passed to a function that never refers to the value, the effect is lost. Similarly, if the value is used more than once, the effect may be duplicated.

Most systems use let-insertion [BoDa91] to guarantee safety. The implementation of let-insertion is closely related to that of booleans, explained below [Bondorf92, Danvy96].

{ml {t} {in} {Type} {syn} {c int} {or} {Type} {c ->} {Type}

{d}, {e} {in} {Exp} {syn} {tab-stop}{Val} {or} {Var} {or} {c lambda {Var}:{Type}.{Exp}}
       {tab} {or} {Exp} {Exp} {or} {c if0} {Exp} {Exp} {Exp}
       {tab} {or} {c lift} {Exp} {or} {Exp} {diamond} {Exp} {or} ...

{s}, {m k} {in} {Val} = {Z}
{m f_t} {in} {F} = ({M} {evalsto} {M}) {cross} {Type}
{m m} {in} {M} = {Exp} + {Val}{m {}_{\\bot}} + {F}
{rho} {in} {Env} = {Var} {evalsto} {M}}
Figure domains: The \\lambda-language, types, domains, and metavariables.

{ml {Spec} : {Exp} {evalsto} {Env} {evalsto} {M}

{Spec} {frame-box {e0}{diamond}{e1}} {rho} = match {tab-stop}({Spec} {e0} {rho}, {Spec} {e1} {rho})
              {tab}({s0}, {s1}) {evalsto} {s0} {diamond} {s1}
              {tab}({d0}, {d1}) {evalsto} {frame-box {d0} {diamond} {d1}}
{Spec} {frame-box {v}} {rho} = {rho} {v}
{Spec} {frame-box {m k}} {rho} = {m k}
{Spec} {frame-box {c lambda {v}:{m t}.{e}}} {rho} = ({lambda}{vp}.{Spec} {e} ([{v}{mapsto}{vp}]{rho})){subt}
{Spec} {frame-box {e0} {e1}} {rho} = match {tab-stop}({Spec} {e0} {rho}, {Spec} {e1} {rho})
             {tab}({m f}, {m m}) {evalsto} {m f} {m m}
             {tab}({d0}, {d1}) {evalsto} {frame-box {d0} {d1}}
{Spec} {frame-box {c lift {e}}} {rho} = {R} ({Spec} {e} {rho})
{Spec} {frame-box {c if0 {e0} {e1} {e2}}} {rho} = match {tab-stop}({Spec} {e0} {rho})
    {tab}{s0} {evalsto} if 0 = {s0} then ({Spec} {e1} {rho}) else ({Spec} {e2} {rho})
    {tab}{d0} {evalsto} {tab-stop}let {tab-stop}{d1} = {Spec} {e1} {rho}
              {tab}{tab}{tab}{d2} = {Spec} {e2} {rho}
          {tab}{tab}in {frame-box {c if0 {d0} {d1} {d2}}}
Figure specfn: A direct-style specializer. The apparently missing cases are not needed because input programs are assumed to be correctly annotated.

{ml {R} : {M} {evalsto} {Exp}
{R} {d} = {d}
{R} {s} = {frame-box {s}}
{R} {m f_t} = {tab-stop}let {tab-stop}{vp} = gensym
           {tab}{tab}{ep} = {R}{m (f (U t v'))}
      {tab}in {frame-box {c lambda {vp}:{m t}.{ep}}}

{L} : {Type} {evalsto} {Exp} {evalsto} {M}
{L} {frame-box {m t}{c ->}{m t'}} {e0} = ({lambda} {m v} . let {e1} = {R} {m v} in {L} {m t} {frame-box {e0} {e1}}){subt}
{L} {c int} {frame-box {e}} = {e}
Figure helpers: Reification function D and reflection function U. Gensym makes a fresh variable.

Note that the if0 clause requires that when a conditional has dynamic predicate, then both arms are also dynamic. Section features below shows how to implement a conditional without this restriction.

\\cal{}S is similar to the \\lambda-mix of [GoJo91], but \\lambda-mix uses uses a two-level input language where source \\lambdas have been labeled either for execution or immediate residualization. \\cal{}S reserves judgment until the function is applied; \\cal{}S depends on a lift annotations to emit a lambda.

Note that many cases are missing from \\cal{}S. I assume that all input programs are type-correct and lift annotations appear as necessary, so these situations never occur. Placement of the lifts is crucial to successful staging: too many lifts and \\cal{}S degenerates into the curry function; too few and \\cal{}S fails to terminate. Typically binding time analysis (BTA) is combined with programmer annotations to insert the lifts. For example, if {rho}=[{c a}{mapsto}6
{c b}{mapsto}{frame-box c}] then \\cal{}S requires ((lift a)\\diamondb) rather than (a\\diamondb). This kind of lift is obvious, and is easily handled by BTA. As an example of the kind of lift that cannot be easily automated, consider the tail-recursive function in Figure tailloop, where e is dynamic and b is static. Unless we manually lift r to dynamic, \\cal{}S will diverge.

fun tail_loop b e r =
  if e = 0 then r
  else tail_loop b (e-1) (b*r)

val power b e = tail_loop b e 1

Figure tailloop: Specialization of a tail-recursive function may not terminate without annotation.

If each variable and procedure always has the same binding time, then a partial evaluator is said to be monovariant in binding times. The prototypical monovariant system is \\lambda-mix. Monovariant BTA is well-understood and can be efficiently implemented with type-inference [Henglein91]. The problem with this kind of system is that frequently a procedure is applied to values with different binding times. For example, in one context I might apply power to static base and exponent, but in another, to dynamic base and static exponent.

If the binding times are context sensitive, then a partial evaluator is said to be polyvariant in binding times. A polyvariant BTA is one that effectively places lifts for this kind of system. Polyvariant BTA usually implemented with abstract interpretation [Consel93]. Thus a given piece of syntax may be both executed by \\cal{}S and emitted as residual.

Products and Sums

This section adds product and sum types to the specializer. Inductively defined types are similarly easy, but other types such as polymorphism and modules are the subject of active research.

The specializer above treats primitives uniformly. A primitive application is either performed at specialization time or emitted as residual code. In particular, if a primitive has one static and one dynamic argument, then the static one must be lifted, throwing information out of the compiler. But many primitives have algebraic properties that allow us to preserve some information.

Figures products2, bools, and sums2 extend the formal system to products, booleans, and sums, respectively. Sums are a generalization of booleans as \\sf{}Bool = \\sf{}Unit + \\sf{}Unit.

{ml {Type} {syn} ... {or} {Type} {c *} {Type}
{M} = ... + ({M} {cross} {M})
{Exp} {syn} ... {or} {Exp}{c ,}{Exp} {or} {c L} {Exp} {or} {c R} {Exp}

{Spec} {frame-box {c {e0}, {e1}}} {rho} = ({Spec} {e0} {rho}), ({Spec} {e1} {rho})
{Spec} {frame-box {c L {e}}} {rho} = match ({Spec} {e} {rho}) ({m0}, {m1}) {evalsto} {m0}
{Spec} {frame-box {c R {e}}} {rho} = match ({Spec} {e} {rho}) ({m0}, {m1}) {evalsto} {m1}

{R} ({m0}, {m1}) = {frame-box ({R} {m0}){c ,} ({R} {m1})}
{L} {frame-box {c {m t} * {m t'}}} {e} = ({L} {m t} {frame-box {c L {e}}}), ({L} {m t'} {frame-box {c R {e}}})
Figure products2: Extensions for product types. A comma denotes a pair construction.

The product types allow the following:

{ml {Spec} {c (L(0,d))} {rho} = 0}

where {rho}=[{c d}{mapsto}{frame-box {c d}}]. In partial evaluation jargon, the value of (0,d) is called a partially static structure.

This if and if0 from Figure specfn are fundamentally different: {ml {Spec}({c 1 + (if0 d 2 3)}){rho}{space 5mm}{tab-stop}={space 5mm}{c 1 + (if0 d 2 3)}
{Spec}({c 1 + (if d 2 3)}){rho}{tab}={space 5mm}{c (if d 3 4)}

Normally, we think of specialization as either performing or emitting each operation of a program. But this specialization of if requires that the addition be performed twice. How can \\cal{}S return into the addition twice twice?

There are two standard solutions: continuation-based specialization [Bondorf92], and the shift and reset control operators used here. Shift is similar to Scheme's call/cc (call with current continuation), but the extent of \\kappa is limited by reset. See Section shiftreset for a explanation of these control operators.

Section mycogen shows how to get the same result by using a source language in continuation-passing style.

{ml {Type} {syn} ... {or} {c bool}
{M} = ... + {Bool}
{Exp} {syn} ... {or} {c if} {Exp} {Exp} {Exp}

{Spec} {frame-box {c if {e0} {e1} {e2}}} {rho} = match {tab-stop}({Spec} {e0} {rho})
	{tab}{s0} {evalsto} if {s0} then ({Spec} {e1} {rho}) else ({Spec} {e2} {rho})
	{tab}{d0} {evalsto} {tab-stop}let {tab-stop}{d1} = {Spec} {e1} {rho}
		{tab}{tab}{tab}{d2} = {Spec} {e2} {rho}
	     {tab}{tab}in {frame-box {c if {d0} {d1} {d2}}}

{R} {m f_t} = {tab-stop}let {tab-stop}{vp} = gensym
           {tab}{tab}{ep} = reset {R}{m (f (U t v'))}
      {tab}in {frame-box {c lambda {vp}:{m t}.{ep}}}

{L} {c bool} {e} = {tab-stop}shift {kappa} in
           {tab}let {tab-stop}{e0} = reset ({kappa} {true})
             {tab}{tab}{e1} = reset ({kappa} {false})
           {tab}in {frame-box {c if {e} {e0} {e1}}}
Figure bools: Extensions for booleans, including replacement function reifier.

{ml {Type} {syn} ... {or} {Type} + {Type}
{M} = ... + (inL {M}) + (inR {M})
{Exp} {syn} {tab-stop}... {or} {c inL} {Exp} {or} {c inR} {Exp}
          {tab} {or} {c case} {Exp} {Var} {Exp} {Var} {Exp}

{Spec} {frame-box {c inL {e}}} {rho} = inL ({Spec} {e} {rho})
{Spec} {frame-box {c inR {e}}} {rho} = inR ({Spec} {e} {rho})

{Spec} {frame-box {c case {e} {m v_0} {e0} {m v_1} {e1}}} {rho} = match {tab-stop}{Spec} {e} {rho}
     {tab}inL {m0} {evalsto} {Spec} {e0} ([{m v_0} {mapsto} {m0}] {rho})
     {tab}inR {m1} {evalsto} {Spec} {e1} ([{m v_1} {mapsto} {m1}] {rho})

{R} (inL {m0}) = {frame-box {c inL ({R} {m0})}}
{R} (inR {m0}) = {frame-box {c inR ({R} {m0})}}

{L} {frame-box {m t} + {m t'}} {e} = {tab-stop}shift {kappa} in
             {tab}let {tab-stop} {m v_0} = gensym
               {tab}{tab}{m v_1} = gensym
               {tab}{tab}{e0} = reset ({kappa} (inL ({L} {m t} {m v_0})))
                 {tab}{tab}{e1} = reset ({kappa} (inR ({L} {m t'} {m v_1})))
             {tab}in {frame-box {c case {e} {m v_0} {e0} {m v_1} {e1}}}}
Figure sums2: Extensions for sum types.


We originally said that a specializer does ``all the work possible given only some of the input''. The previous section gave rules to find and perform this work. The problem is that blind application of these rules often finds too much work, and creates many specialized procedures that do not run fast enough to pay for their size and number. In particular, since the rule for function application may inline, use of recursion may result in infinite unfolding, and thus non-termination of the specializer.

The lift term is the fundamental form of control, but is insufficient. For example, in the tail-recursive power function in Figure tailloop we must lift r to prevent non-termination. But if e is static, then lifting r prevents the simple static result we surely want.

Nitrous and Schism use lift languages to give the programmer conditional lifting. Basically they work by reifying binding times. Other systems such as [WCRS91] contain analyses that identify and perform this lift, but miss-identify others. I believe that full automation (i.e. elimination of lift from the input language) is not yet feasible; binding-time and staging systems need some kind of manual control.

Recursion and Memoization

Memoization is a standard technique to avoid repeated computation. It plays an important role in some specializers, including ours. This section explains the distinction by looking at dynamic loops. We call specializers that use this kind of memoization polyvariant, and those that do not monovariant.

Using the rules in Figure specfn above, a loop must be built with a fixed-point operator (this is one of the things that the ML syntax obscures). The type of the operator depends on how much of the recursion is to be expanded. In other words, the source program must be adjusted to support different binding times. Figures dp1 and dp2 show two versions of the power function specialized with Type Directed Partial Evaluation (TDPE) [Danvy96][footnote: Danvy reports that a future version of TDPE does not have this restriction.]. A polyvariant specializer does not have this limitation, as the example in Figure sp1 demonstrates.

(define (power-abs n)
  (lambda (*)
    (lambda (a)
      (fix1 (lambda (loop)
	      (lambda (n)
		(if (zero? n)
		    (* a (loop (- n 1))))))))))

(define-base-type Int "i") (define-compound-type Times ((Int Int) => Int) "*" alias) (define (fix1 F) (lambda (x) ((F (fix1 F)) x))) (residualize (power-abs 5) '(Times -> Int -> Int))


(lambda (*) (lambda (i0) (* i0 (* i0 (* i0 (* i0 (* i0 1)))))))

Figure dp1: TDPE of power, static exponent. The double arrow denotes a multi-argument function type.

(define (dpower-abs fix2 * zero? -)
  (fix2 (lambda (loop)
	  (lambda (x n)
	    (if (zero? n)
		(* x (loop x (- n 1))))))))

(define-base-type Bool "b") (define-compound-type Minus ((Int Int) => Int) "-" alias) (define-compound-type Zero? (Int -> Bool) "zero?" alias)

(define-compound-type Fix2 ((((Int Int) => Int) -> ((Int Int) => Int)) -> ((Int Int) => Int)) "fix2" alias)

(define (fix2 F) (lambda (x y) ((F (fix2 F)) x y)))

(residualize dpower-abs '((Fix2 Times Zero? Minus) => (Int Int) => Int))


(lambda (fix2 * zero? -) (lambda (i3 i4) ((fix2 (lambda (x0) (lambda (i1 i2) (if (zero? i2) 1 (* i1 (x0 i1 (- i2 1))))))) i3 i4)))

Figure dp2: TDPE of power, fully dynamic version.

At a call site, a monovariant specializer like \\lambda-mix [GoJo91] either inlines or residualizes. A polyvariant specializer has the option of emitting a call to a specialized procedure defined elsewhere, and passing just the dynamic arguments. This specialized procedure may be called from several different places.

A polyvariant specializer uses its memo-table to discover dynamic fixed points. Before creating a specialized version of a procedure, a polyvariant system checks to see if it already has a version of that procedure specialized to those static values, and if so, creates a call to the already defined procedure.

This use of memoization is more than just a convenience or a simple performance improvement. Polyvariance is fundamentally more powerful because zero, one, or more fixed points may be created from a single source fixed point. Furthermore, the types of the residual fixed-points may be different from the types of the input fixed points. The standard example is Ackermann's function specialized to its first argument, resulting in two different fixed points, as in Figure sack. Figure mize shows an example of a loop that unrolls several times before the static values match and the dynamic loop is found. A more practical example is the generation of KMP string-matching by specialization [CoDa89]. None of these results can be duplicated with a monovariant system. It can be dangerous, however, to rely on the memo-table to find fixed-points.

(similix 'power (list '*** 5) "source.sim")
(define (power5 b)
  (* b (* b (* b (* b (* b 1))))))

(similix 'power (list '*** '***) "source.sim") --> (define (power-dd b e) (if (= e 0) 1 (* b (power-dd b (- e 1)))))

Figure sp1: Specialization of power with Similix. *** indicates a dynamic value, the contents of source.sim appear in Figure

(define (power b e)
  (if (= e 0)
      (* b (power b (- e 1)))))

(define (ack m n) (cond ((zero? m) (+ n 1)) ((zero? n) (ack (- m 1) 1)) (else (ack (- m 1) (ack m (- n 1))))))

(define (mize n m d e) (if (e) n (let* ((n1 (- n d)) (n2 (if (< n1 0) (+ n1 m) n1))) (mize n2 m d e))))

Figure spc: The contents of the file source.sim

(similix 'ack (list 2 '***)  "source.sim")
(define (ack2 n)
  (if (zero? n)
      (ack1 1)
      (ack1 (ack2 (- n 1)))))
(define (ack1 n)
  (if (zero? n)
      (+ (ack1 (- n 1)) 1)))

Figure sack: Ackermann's function specialized with Similix.

(similix 'mize (list 0 5 2 '***) "source.sim")
(define (mize052 e)
  (cond ((e) 0) ((e) 3)
        ((e) 1) ((e) 4)
	((e) 2)
	(else (mize052 e))))

Figure mize: Memoization in action.

The question remains: when should the system inline, and when should it specialize, that is, test the memo-table and form a call? While it is safe to always specialize, the resulting code has many trivial calls. Many systems, including ours, use the dynamic-conditional heuristic [BoDa91]. The heuristic suggests that calls be inlined unless the body of the procedure contains a control-flow branch depending on dynamic values. Such a branch is known as a dynamic conditional. The intuition behind the heuristic is that if there is no dynamic conditional then inlining is safe because any resulting non-termination would also be present in ordinary execution of the source program[footnote: This heuristic is very simple and aggressive. This kind of manual control of inlining sometimes produces unexpectedly large results. Compilers for functional languages such as SML [ApMa91] and Haskell [JHHPW93] make much more sophisticated inlining decisions. One could use the safe, always-specialize heuristic, and use sophisticated inlining as a post-pass to remove the trivial calls. In the run-time environment we are interested in, feedback from execution or a inexpensive approximation may substitute for sophisticated inlining decisions.].

The price is that polyvariant specialization is more difficult to implement, type, and reason about. Bit-addressing makes essential use of memoization.

Compiler Generation

If we used a literal implementation of \\cal{}S to specialize programs, then every time we generate a residual program, we would also traverse and dispatch on the source text. The standard way to avoid this repeated work is to introduce another stage of computation. That is, to use a compiler generator cogen instead of a specializer spec. The compiler generator converts f into a synthesizer of specialized versions of f:

{semantic-brackets {m f}} {m x} {m y} = {semantic-brackets {semantic-brackets {semantic-brackets {m cogen}} {m f}} {m x}} {m y} 
These systems are called compiler generators because if f is an interpreter, then {semantic-brackets {m cogen}}{m f} is a compiler.

The standard way of implementing a compiler generator begins with a static analysis of the program text, then produces the synthesizer by syntax-directed traversal of the text annotated with the results of the analysis. Cogen knows what will be constant but not the constants themselves. We refer to this information binding times, it corresponds to the injection tags on members of \\sf{}M. We say members of \\sf{}Atom are static and members of \\sf{}Exp are dynamic. The binding times form a lattice because they represent partial information. It is always safe for the compiler to throw away information; this is called lifting and is the source of the lift annotation in the \\lambda-language. Thus the bottom of the lattice is dynamic.

[BoDu93] shows how to derive a cogen from \\lambda-mix in two steps. The first step converts a specializer into a compiler generator by adding an extra level of quoting to \\cal{}S so static statements are copied into the compiler and dynamic ones are emitted. The second step involves adding a continuation argument to \\cal{}S to allow propagation of a static context into the arms of a conditional with a dynamic test. One of the interesting results of [Danvy96] is how this property (the handling of sum-types and let-insertion) can be achieved while remaining in direct style by using shift/reset.

A remarkably pleasing though seemingly less practical way of implementing {semantic-brackets {m cogen}} is by self-application of a specializer {semantic-brackets {semantic-brackets {m mix}} {m
mix} {m mix}}, as suggested in [Futamura71] and first implemented in [JoSeSo85].

Specializers are classified as either offline or online. An online system works in one pass. Roughly, offline systems are suitable for compiler generation via self-application, and online systems are not. An offline system works in two phases. First it performs a whole-program analysis phase (the BTA) independent of the static values, and then it performs a specialization phase. Ideally, in an offline system all perform-vs-emit decisions are made in the BTA, but in reality most offline systems include polyvariance, which involves value-dependent decisions. Further hybridization is explored in [Sperber96]. The system from chapter system memoizes on binding times and static values, so it is also a hybrid. As a result, procedure contents are treated offline, but procedure calls are treated online. The system in Section simple is online. Similix (see Section ba) is offline.


This chapter covers the theory and practice of specialization. In order to understand the next chapter, it is important to understand that the specializer performs constant propagation, function inlining, and memoization.